Is Motivation the key to your success?

You would have particular motivations in life to achieve specific goals. But have you ever wondered if the desire inside you is the only factor that motivates you to achieve that goal? Have you ever thought about where that motivation comes from?

Most of us have reinforcements that help us reach a specific goal or outcome. So, some of us may want to become rich, so we might work hard. We just don't keep working if we don't get a reward. So this type of conditioning is called operant conditioning or instrumental conditioning because the organism's behavior is instrumental in producing the outcome. 

The learning is called operant because the organisms operate in a way that causes an outcome. The process whereby organisms learn to make or refrain from certain responses to obtain or avoid specific outcomes can also be called operant conditioning.
In this case, an example is that you work hard to get grades, and if you don't study, you end up getting low grades. So here, the outcome that most of us want to obtain is getting good grades, and because this is a desirable outcome, we work towards it. 

There is the undesirable outcome of not getting good grades, which in turn may cause punishments or scolding from parents. This is an undesirable outcome, so we try to avoid it. 

This is, in fact, called. Operant conditioning because, in the end, it is us who decides if we want a desirable or undesirable outcome. So, this is a broader vision of operant conditioning. There are different types of reinforcements and punishments that fall under operant conditioning, and will be discussed in my next blog.

See y'all till then. Bye...👋👋👋


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